I am a gay veteran (US Army) and I am thankful that someone like Jeff Key has had the opportunity to tell his story and the wisdom and talent to tell it well. He has created a beautiful piece and it should be required viewing for all.
My heartfelt thanks and congratulations go to Mr. He is a hero in many ways - his concern for the children of Iraq, his concern for the returning servicemen and women who are getting short shrift from their government, the rare veteran with the courage to question this administration's policies. Jeff Key is an American all Americans can and should be proud of. But 'Semper Fi' is not the stage show - it is a documentary about the events that led to the creation of the show and therein lies its beauty. garons baise lun aux 1 noir la milf la sur mon gay se certains. Although the formula itself is decidedly familiar, there are some novel. In this recent clip, for instance, a very humpy BB (who strikes me as far more plausibly str8 than most such 'novices') embarks on Fellatio 101, tutored by one of the site's veteran performers. This is one case where I can't wait for the book. avec premire dick mecs chaud sur homme mature. A twinkocentric site, justly famed for its Czech, Slovak & Hungarian beauties, has been known to feature muscle from time to time. I just finished watching 'Semper Fi.' Jeff Key's writing is marvelous - maybe a bit over the top for a one-man stage show.yet his poetic use of plain English is a wonder.